Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Liberal Blacks are Parasites

I had the pleasure of engaging some uninformed Black liberals today on Twitter.
They claimed that what most informed Americans know, that proportionally Blacks are more apt to be looking for handouts than Whites, is untrue.  Black liberals are content to remain ignorant (after all isn't that what "rill niggas" are ignorant?). 
The US population circa 2011 was estimated at 308,747,508.
Blacks make up approximately 13% of the US population (that's 40,137,176) and of the 4,300,000 Americans on welfare, approximately 40% of them are Black (that's 1,720,000). So that's roughly 4.3% of Black population on Welfare.
Whites depending on how you count them are either 78% or 63% (the latter being White Non-Hispanic. George Zimmerman would not qualify for this definition of White). Let's use White Non-hispanic so we can make it a little easier for the racist Blacks to identify their enemy. That means there are 194,510,930 unambiguous White Americans. About 39% of welfare recipients were white (that's 1,677,000) making up 0.9% of the White Non-Hispanic population. You don't have to be a mathematician to know 4.3% >> 0.9%.

Liberal Blacks hate math, so they'll blame the numbers on "White Privilege", but that's just another Liberal cop-out. 
Proportionally Blacks are getting it ALL wrong yet they continue to believe the group-think BS spoon-fed to them by the left.  Will someone please tell me why?

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Why the Republican Party Doesn't Have as Many Blacks...Most Blacks are Stupid!

The 'Black Culture' takes pride in stupidity, you see, because intelligence is seen as a trait of White culture.  This should hardly come as a surprise!  If you speak proper English instead of the language of the proudly stupid and ignorant, Ebonics, then you are a part of what the 'Black Culture' views as the evil White mindset.  This extends to academic excellence.  If you get good grades you are equated with a traitorous 'House Nigger'...I guess then stupidity and ignorance are reserved for the 'Noble Niggers' who prefer to bite the very hand that feeds them, destroy everything around them and remain one of the largest societal leeches mankind has ever known.  If by renouncing the way of the 'Noble Nigger' I am no longer considered 'Black' or 'African American', then please take your ludicrous titles and way of life and set sail for Liberia where you can join your brothers and sisters. 
So tell me why would the Republican Party want to reach out to a bunch of ignorant and dishonourable parasites?  

Friday, November 9, 2012

America's Being Led to the Slaughter by a Marxist Biggot!

Barak Hussein Obama HATES America and all of the good it stands for.  He despises the opportunity we enjoy and wants to replace it with guaranteed handouts!  He deplores our strength and seeks to CASTRATE this great nation by reducing our nuclear deterrent and crippling our armed forces with effeminate 'RULES OF ENGAGEMENT'. He mocks our union of diverse peoples for the American way by supporting the race-baiting, race-pimping and divisiveness of the radical left!  Barak Obama is a pompous buffoon who lacks the business sense to run a hot dog stand let alone restore America's economy.
He is determined to leverage (borrow) America into financial ruin and the parasites of this great nation have seen fit to let him finish the job!
He remains an ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and should be dealt with accordingly!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Big Surprise Blacks Have Highest National Unemployment Rate in US

Blacks are quick to whine about their relatively high levels of unemployment in the United States: http://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat05.htm
What is intriguing is that for 2010 and 2011 Blacks have an employment to population ratio of roughly 52% versus 59% and 60% for Whites and Asians respectively.
Blacks have also had approximately double the unemployment rates versus Whites and Asians.  Why?
  1. Sense of entitlement (Blacks feel by having a job they are owed wages for just showing up)
  2. Incompetence (Blacks, keeping true to Black "culture", lack rudimentary skills which most non-Blacks both possess and employ)
  3. Poor attitude (Blacks are rude and complain regularly in response to the expectation of work)
  4. Laziness (You may say Cliche, but anyone who has employed Blacks subscribing to the Black "culture" knows Blacks will do just enough shoddy work to prevent themselves from being fired)
  5. Inconsistency (Some employees are pleasantly surprised by the front-end quality of work which mysteriously deteriorates upon completion of the probationary period)
  6. Liability (After infuriating employers with blatant disregard for work ethic and utter incompetence, Blacks will be likely to sue after being terminated citing racism)
Any questions?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Time's Up America!

Our great nation is currently in the grips of the enemy (Barak Obama and the Leftists).  The enemy is determined to remove all traces of the constitution and leave America weak and ripe for the taking.  The enemy is ready to steal everything we have worked so hard for.  Are we ready to defend our liberties and our nation against all  enemies foreign and domestic? This new regime gives the term Redcoats new and troubling meaning.  Will we defeat the redcoats again?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Why Racism Persists in America

Racism persists in America not because of outdated bigotry.  Racism persists because it is fuelled anew by the racist Black "culture"
When confronted with the unpatriotic, racist, self-pitying, self-righteous and downright unpleasant followers of Al Sharpton and the rest of the merry race-pimping hypocrites what does one expect but to be treated with disgust.
Because of the racist hypocrites in the Black "community", some patriotic Americans who happen to be Black may encounter prejudice, but it is usually short-lived because, ultimately Americans judge you on merit!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Wrong Answer Dr. Cosby!

I will be the first to give due credit to Dr. William Cosby (honorary doctorate in education) for calling out Blacks in America for the foolishness we all know as Black "culture". He has recently spoken out on the Trayvon Martin case, indicating that it was not an issue of race, but of gun-control.
Dr. Cosby has fallen into the liberal trap of blaming guns for crime.  Dr. Cosby if guns were to blame, they would have long broken out of the confines of the gun stores and killed us all in cold blood.  Obviously guns are not at fault! We must remain vigilant because careless comments like those of Dr. Cosby's only serve to further the cause of those who would deny the second amendment of the constitution and take us one step closer to being powerless victims like so may others world wide who had their gun rights stripped away.